Friday, November 9, 2007

this is my favorite thing to say while running

When I run, I like to talk to myself to distract myself from the fact that I'd probably rather be drinking hot chocolate and reading a book. Sometimes I talk out loud, not always. No, I don't care what anyone thinks. Anyway, this is my favorite thing to say:

I am up before the sun. My day is full of moments and I make them all count. I see that my needs are met. I am strong and reliable. I always want to feel this alive.

I think it's like a commonly-known affirmation or something, but I saw it on an advertisement for a vitamin supplement about 10 years ago. It always makes me feel strong and healthy and like I can keep going. Aside from the first sentence, which is ridiculous, fictional, and nothing I aspire to, but which I just like saying, because it sounds good and is part of the affirmation, I like the other ones to be true.

OK, that's all I have to say about that.

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