Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Ah, a milestone

Vomit. Seems like a good rite of passage. I think it was the combination of stuff I ate. I don't know. Ick. Anyway, now I feel marginally but only marginally better. Somehow I thought you'd want to know that. In other news, um, I can't think of any other news. I don't think that was the last of it. I think I'm reporting this because I want everyone to suffer, not just me. I guess my work here is done...

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

If we could move in, this would be the perfect job

I'm up in Northern California, doing some legalish work for a good friend who needed help so she can get enough stuff done to go on vacation. I got more time than money these days so I was very happy to oblige. Working conditions are tough. We tumble out of our respective beds and work out of her well-equipped office upstairs, in our sweats. She makes all our meals and snacks, except when she takes us out for sushi. Her daughters are cute, very smart, and hilarious. Her husband is really nice too, but he's been gone on business. If I wanted to, I could get up and go to her gym with her, but that happens at 5 a.m. Gotta make that one a miss. I think I'll ask if Alexander and I can move in. Worst she can say is no.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Giants upset the Patriots 17-14

Wow! We caught the last 10 or so minutes of this game (radio in the car, and then actually saw the last few minutes on someone's TV) and it was extremely exciting. If I'm not otherwise loyal to a particular team, I'm always a sucker for the underdog, so of course I was going for the Giants. I'm really happy they won. What a crazy upset. Eli Manning somehow getting away from the pass rush and getting that throw off to David Tyree, and Tyree's amazing, ridiculous, gravity-defying catch -- that was awesome.

Alexander, who didn't grow up playing or watching American football, suddenly became a Patriots fan during this ten minutes, which was interesting. I mean, I've heard of Johnny-come-latelys coming out of the woodwork at the last minute when a team starts winning a lot, but come ON. "Yeah, babe! I'm a Patriots fan!" He said. When he was unable to name a single player on the team aside from Tom Brady, I decided he was probably not one of your more serious aficionados. When the radio announcer mentioned a player, he said, "Walker! See, Walker! That's my favorite player." Tell me his other name," I said. "I don't worry about that. I just concentrate on the game. How many downs do they get again?" Later we found out his name is really Wes Welker. I mean, not knowing your favorite player's name, that could happen to anyone.

Anyway, the Patriots won three Superbowls from 2001-2005. The last time the Giants won was 1991. So, yay Giants. And it's pretty cool, that the Dolphins are still the only team to go all the way undefeated.