Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Fitness and Pregnancy?

OK I'm going to try not to turn this into a pregnancy blog, but understandably, it's sorta on my mind at the moment. So. One thing I think about, one of the shallower things, let's admit, is that I hope I can stay fit. Or at least not turn into Couch Potato Mama Deluxe. I have read that at least at first it's OK to keep on with your normal physical activity. For instance, I am accustomed to running a couple of miles a couple of times a week -- sometimes more often -- lately, sadly less frequently. But I've run the last three days and I feel good and stuff. I wonder how long I can keep doing it? Anybody out there, how long did you keep working out, if you worked out during pregnancy? I know these are really questions for my doctor or midwife (and yes, I'm making apptmts so I'll be in there soon), but I was wanting to gather some anecdotal evidence from people I know.

Ack, so I have to admit I'm nervous. The other day I said airily to Alexander (is that his name on here? I can't remember if I gave him a name or not), "I think it will be so interesting seeing how my body changes with pregnancy. I'm not freaked out about it. It's such a miracle." What I really meant was "I wonder if I'm going to gain 300 lbs? Will people even recognize me? What if I never lose any of the weight? And, no, it doesn't threaten me that you have 6% body fat. Really."

I've never in nature, and the smallest part of me is the middle part --the waist and stomach part. The part that will disappear. The other parts, like arms and legs, and, you know, the booty section, let's just say they're generous. So I'm going to be looking pretty dang generous, I'm afraid. Ah, well. I know these are petty concerns. But I still have them...


Didge said...

Hey Anya, I just found out that you are 'with child', how exciting! You are surely the first woman to worry about losing her figure to the coming several weeks and rapidly dividing cells. Ha! I guess it is safe to say that you and I have similar attributes (shall we call them attributts?) and it IS hard to think about the smallest area of your silouhette expanding greatly. I think it is great to keep as active as you have been so far and to always discuss with your dr about what is ok and what is not. I guess just keeping active and eating as heathy as you can will prevent the unecessary lbs from stacking up. For me pregnancy hasn't been the major weight gaining time, but rather after the pregnancy when you have a new baby to take care of and the stresses of that. Being pregnant, if you are feeling good, is an awesome time and I think you will be surprised to find that you get very into your new shape. It is the ultimate feeling of WOMAN...I found myself asking Ralph if he wasn't just a little bit envious of not being the one carrying this incredible miracle. So do as much as you can now, while you are still carrying this baby around on the inside, as soon as it gets on the outside (no, it really doesn't hurt, snicker, snicker) it will be slightly more demanding, and it is just more challenging to juggle taking care of yourself and your baby. You are you and you are beautiful. Love Heidi

Didge said...

And by the way, do we ever get to see a picture of Alexander and his wife?

Happy Birthday! said...

Hey swissmiss!!! Thanks so much for the input and encouragement. Ha, attributts, excellent word! I AM excited about the miraculousness of it all, and the shape of OTHER pregnant women has always seemed beautiful to me... Good to keep in mind the after-baby fitness too. Ack! He (she?) probably won't just sit there and entertain and feed himself while I go for a run...

Oh, a picture. Sure -- actually, maybe I'll just give you a link to some pics:

Some of these are "wedding" pics -- at the City offices. We are planning to have an open-house type reception thing in Chico still. Maybe in March. So that's where we'll take formal pictures.

Didge said...

Those are great pics, thanks for sharing them! I also loved seeing your folks and K&R too.

Left Coast Sister said...

Let me be the last to congratulate you, I guess! But really, congrats! As for the fitness level... I have a phys. therapist friend who ran (she's a runner, like a marathoner-addicted-to-running-like-you-were-to-Diet-Coke type) until month 10. And yes, look forward to TEN months, forty weeks is NOT nine like the urban myth proclaims!! Talk to your Dr/midwife but at this point I can't imagine there'd be anything you couldn't do, esp if you feel good. I agree with swissmiss, it's harder when you're exhausted for lack of sleep and constant nursing after the baby comes, so do it while it feels good so you aren't out of the habit, IMHO.
And take no one elses' advice. Everyone has a horror story or five to share, don't believe any of it. How exciting! Can't wait to hear more!!

SoozeSchmooze said...

James and I just got back from Hawaii...while there we learned some of their culture and were told two impressive things that I have not forgotten...when the early islanders found their wives menstrating/or bleeding they send them to a private spa type area until they were healed..less they pass this malady on to the other women...imagine a spa the whole time you are on your period...and when they got pregnant...they took them out of the fields and work areas and allowed them to swim and laze about all day in the sea...hense when delivery time came their muscles were well ready fo the challenge of childbirth...hense my words of wisdom are stay as fit as a fiddle for as long as you feel up to it...then if running is too hard..take to the ocean!! or swiming pool...but keep up the good work!! And Major congratulations...I of course was not a bit surprised!! :)

Happy Birthday! said...

Thanks left coast sis and sooze for the advice and congratulations! I did ask the midwife and she said running was fine. So I've been doing that, off and on. I like the idea of hanging around in the ocean all day -- if it was warmer right now I might just do that! And a spa during your period -- I'm all for it!

bfoxy37 said...

Anya, I can relate to waist size being the smallest of your parts and since my baby was 9 1/2 pounds, mine didn't stay small for long during my pregnancy!
I would suggest walking a lot (good for entire pregnancy and for delivery!), weight lifting (always good) and remembering that you will most likely go back to the same type of shape that you started with but that everyone is so different...don't compare yourself to women who are wearing their size 2 jeans a week after giving birth! Those women exist as a test to where your values lie. Especially if they are your sister. Ha! Ha! ;)
You realize how blessed you are and I'm sure you won't care what your measurements are when the baby comes. Praying for a healthy pregnancy!