Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July

We spent a lovely day relaxing by a pool, eating, and hanging out with friends. Then we were too tired to go watch fireworks. :-) I figured out why Alexander is not that into the beach and didn't really WANT to go to the pool festivities, but went for me and enjoyed himself: he doesn't like getting in the water. Wow. Well that would explain it. I always thought he got too hot or some such issue, but not liking the water sort of puts a damper on beach and pool activities. Good thing we're buying one of those canopy things for the beach so he can go with me and stay in the shade and read a book and pretend he's at home or something. You live in San Diego, pal; if you didn't want to go to the beach maybe you shoulda moved to Kansas. :-) He's a good sport, though, 'cause he goes when I really want to.


Amy said...

I agree. He needs to move to KS.


jay are said...

kansas, no...all you kansas people need to move to CA :) but I actually really do like Kansas. Anyway, enough about that---how interesting that he doesn't like to get in the water. I'm not a huge fan of getting in the ocean, even though I love to go there and see it and see the mightniness of it all. But a pool? Very interesting. Maybe he was scared by a big body of water while in the womb :)

Happy Birthday! said...

:-) Nothing against Kansas, of course...just the first land-locked state that came to mind...but yeah, there are some people there who should move westward I think.

Yeah, jay are, I think you are on to something. :-)