Saturday, September 6, 2008

the Marines washed my car today

And they did a really good job, as I thought they might. Being Marines and all -- I think they have to be good at like cleaning things and detail and stuff, right? I was wondering, though, why they were having a carwash. Sounds like they do it every week or every other. It's too bad that after we have borrowed/spent 700 billion dollars since 9/11 for military endeavors that the Marines would still have to have a carwash, isn't it? Maybe we should have thought our strategy out...

Or maybe they do it for fun for extra money? I wanted to ask them but I didn't have the nerve. What if they didn't like the question and they decided to do a civilian Code Red on me or something. Just kidding, they were really nice.


KJack said...

You're too funny. Should have asked them, most likely it's for a children's fundraiser or such -they do alot of Toys for Tots at Xmas etc.

Happy Birthday! said...

Ha, you're right, I should have. I didn't think of that...I think I'll ask them next time I see them.

Blogball said...

I once entered one of those carwashes and had the nerve to ask where the money was going and they used the water to water-board me. I will never ask that question again. I ended up telling them everything.

Happy Birthday! said...

Oh, blogball, you crack me up. That is hilarious. I mean, I'm sorry for you and everything, but it made for a good comment. Maybe I won't ask after all.

Lois Lane said...

You know our military is hard-up when they start having road-side bake sales. ;)