Wednesday, December 19, 2007

I am soon to join the working class....

No, I don't know yet if I got the job where I showcased my keen mathematical instincts. But today I did get a part-time job doing in-house tutoring for kids K-12. They will be kids from Spanish-speaking families in the San Diego area. It sounds like fun to me and they give you the materials, so it's not like I have to make up a bunch of stuff. Also, I can probably keep this job as well as the full-time job I'm sure to get any day now. Might be good to make up for my extended vacation, heh.

One of my main goals, really, is to make enough money to buy as much diet Coke as I want to drink. That may seem like a small thing to some of you. Actually, if you know how much diet Coke that I am capable of drinking, maybe not. But anyway, point being, when I'm not working, I feel really guilty indulging in such an expensive, and unnecessary, habit. So these days it's the occasional 2-liter (ugh, I'm pre-humously turning over in my grave right now), and the occasional 1-liter (drunk in one sitting, of course, because otherwise it will be flat, and it's only like 30 or 40 cents more than a 20-ounce). Can you believe it? Me either. But brighter days are ahead, my friends. I'll keep you posted.


jay are said...

a 2-liter??? oh, the suffering. Yuck-o. Good thing you'll be able to afford the can habit. WAAAYY better. And dood! Congratulations! I hope your stellar math skills net you the other job too. You'll then by able to also buy MY diet coke! Woo-hoo! Congrats.

jay aitch said...

I love diet coke too, my dear, but have you read the bad things about it? In all seriousness, it is really bad and may have effects on us way down the line. scary!