Friday, January 25, 2008

I'm giving up caffeine!!

But only for nine months or so. Ha! How do ya like THAT? We are really excited. It appears that the incubation of 1/11 of the soccer team has begun. OK, OK, only in my husband's dreams are we making a soccer team. At the MOST, are making a basketball team minus one. I found out for sure today. And yeah, I'm like three weeks along. None of this waiting three months to tell people for me. Impossible. We called my parents before the two lines had finished appearing.

I have had a headache since midday from caffeine withdrawal. This is Day 1 of withdrawal. I really thought I wasn't pregnant, so I've been drinking my normal 2 large cups of coffee in the morning with a few diet Cokes interspersed throughout the day. Today I had one diet Coke (so as to taper, not cold turkey, the caffeine) and tomorrow I'm trying for no caffeine whatsover (except for that which appears in dark chocolate or other tasty treats. Not giving THAT up). There was some recent study about caffeine enhancing miscarriage I guess here we go.

I'm not sick (yet) -- people say to hang on for that one, because you're not always sick at first. I don't feel extra tired either. Hmm! Maybe that's because I don't have to actually get up in the morning for work. That's gonna change...I'm hoping to be doing a temp lawyerish job by next week. That will be a good test.


Gina said...

Let me be the first at least here to say CONGRATS!!! I wasn't ever sick like barfy but there are other ways to not feel so hot if you catch my drift. ;)

Lois Lane said...

WOOOHOOO! I'm going to be a a virtual aunt!!! Congratulations!!
Have a great weekend!

Dim and Jana said...

Wow! Congrats! Good luck with it all...

Amy said...

Welcome aboard Mom! Congrats and enjoy!

Happy Birthday! said...

Thanks all! Everytime I remember it, I get a little thrill of happiness. I guess he's (I'm just gonna say he) smaller than a grain of rice right now. Yay, aunts and uncles all around. :-)

Guess what -- it's Day Two and I have no headache. I can't believe it! That seems impossible, given the mass quantities of caffeine I've been consuming for twenty years. I didn't try to get up early (I know that soon the sleeping in days are over for good) so I don't know if I would have felt really tired, but generally I think the main thing about coffee for me is the comfort -- it's warm and tasty and eases the pain of morning. Anyway, whew. That was way easier than I thought it would be. I'm going to miss diet Coke, of course. I might sneak a caffeine-free one every once in awhile. I might not. We'll see.

Amy said...

Oh yeah, enjoy that grain of rice feeling... In about 36 weeks it'll feel like you swallowed a large tuba. ;)

Erik said...

congrats my friend--bring on the children. bring on the children, and let them multiply. and they multplied across the earth. ;-)

Happy Birthday! said...

erik, have you been talking to roland? He seems to think we should have like 26 kids or something. Amy, if YOU feel like you swallowed a tuba, I'M going to feel like I swallowed Alaska! Oh dear. Well I'm going to try to go to the gym regularly, that might help me feel better, at least.

KJack said...

Yahoo....bring on the fun. Your mom was proudly telling a few on Sunday, she's very excited. I enjoyed my prego immensly and was just green feeling during about the 3rd cross your fingers and toes for no nausea!

Rob said...


btw, i have two kids and i never felt sick once...

SoozeSchmooze said...

gee that amazing or what?? ya big poop!! hee hee..Tuba or Alaska, what is the difference? it still has to come out!! groan..
you will do just great anya..not to worry!! hee hee..those is so easy for them!!:)

Callie said...

YAAAAY! That's really great. Of course, at the rate I've been seeing you, I'll probably meet your kid at his/her college graduation, but hey, it's nice to have something to look forward to. This makes me something like one of two of my college roommates who is not/has not been pregnant. (CAVEAT: At the risk of being caught in an inaccuracy and thus having my veracity forevermore in doubt, understand that I haven't actually counted and polled all of my former roommates as to their pregnancy status either now or in the past!)

I seem to recall an episode where you once thought to quit Diet Coke before (or perhaps you just forgot to drink any? Could that be?) and ended up in a heap on your parents' doorstep, reaching up a quavering hand and rasping through parched lips that you really thought you needed a Diet Coke. :)

Glad to find you here, by the way. I miss you!