Sunday, May 18, 2008

in case you feel like you did something dumb this and you will feel better

Sooo.....we go to the storage place on Saturday to store some nice baby stuff (crib, toys, potty training chair, diaper pail, etc.) given to us by Alexander's bro and sister-in-law. Except (this part wasn't my fault) Alexander sort of misplaced the keys to the lock, so we went planning to break the lock with a hammer and a screwdriver (great plan, I know, but it was a cheap lock. Stuff like that always works in the movies...or so I've heard...) So after a couple of blows we decide to go buy a bolt-cutter. Here is where I become a complete idiot: it is hot, I am pregnant, and I don't feel like being left alone to watch the stuff. I also don't feel like going by myself to get the bolt cutters. Alexander would have let me do either one. So I convince him that we will leave the stuff in the indoor hallway and come right back and no one will take it. We don't tell the Storage Lady (of whom I'm sort of scared because she's...I don't know, abrupt and stuff ) I reasoned that the stuff itself except the crib is not THAT valuable, and who would take it?

Well, it took longer than we thought (no bolt cutters at the first place; I had forgotten to send a doc to my employer the night before, and I had to go home and send it) and when we got back....this part is a shocker, sit down: no stuff. I went to the rental office and asked the Storage Lady if she knew anything about some stuff left in one of the interior hallways. "What stuff?" she says sternly. "Baby stuff," I say. Her daughter, who is in the office with her, looks immediately horrified and clamps her hand on her mouth. Storage Lady says, "Why didn't you tell me???!!!?!" I say, "Well, did someone take the stuff?" She says, "Yeah, I think someone took it." I say, "Well can you call them and ask them to bring it back?" She says, "They weren't customers." I say, "They weren't customers....just random people walking around the storage place?" She admits that someone who was with a customer asked about it and she figured it was abandoned goods and told them they could have it. I burst into tears. She became more helpful. She took my number and said she would try to get in touch with the people., and to come back at 1 pm Sunday. I couldn't believe I had been so dumb. So avoidable. All I had to do was just sit there and wait. Or go the store (gasp!) by myself. It's not like I'm usually so helpless. I like doing stuff by myself. It's just that I didn't....FEEL like it.

Anyway, around this time I remembered that we are supposed to give the stuff back after we are done with it so they can donate it. So. It was, um, not really our stuff to do as we wished with anyway. I don't know if I would have been so cavalier about the stuff if I had remembered that pesky little detail...sigh. Anyway, due to the avoidableness and extreme stupidity of it, and the very real possibility that we might never see the stuff again, and the thought of having to explain this to bro and sis-in-law...I couldn't really stop crying when we were at the place, even though Storage Lady told me to.

Update: Storage Lady called me back later Saturday and the lady said she would bring it all back. Today, Sunday, we went and lo and behold, there it all was. I have never been so happy to see a dusty potty training chair in all my life.

So, do you feel better now?

PS: Sister-in-law, I don't think you read or know of this blog. If you somehow stumble upon it, um, wasn't this a great happy ending? Heh heh...


alleykat said...

cute post! have fun with the potty training, all in due time of course.
My coworker Anna told me that her mother hated changing diapers, so she put them on the pot from day one! It worked ok for her...

Happy Birthday! said...

Ha! That's a great idea.I might give that a try. Cheaper and better for the environment...I guess the only environment it might be bad for is the carpet if he doesn't make it...

Rob said...

This sounds very much like something my daughter would do. (And then I would sigh in exasperation and shake my head just to make sure she felt as stupid as possible... It's a bad habit and I'm working on it, but good gracious the things I never dreamed a person would do. Or not do, as the case may be.)
Anyway, I'm really glad you got your stuff back. Let it be a lesson to always listen to your husband. :-)

Happy Birthday! said...

Yay, it's so exciting to know that the Mom genes will never be gone. I carry them, your daughter carries them, it never ends, woohoo! I bet there would be no war in Iraq if we ran the world. Possibly no electricity either, but hey! Cute candles!