Tuesday, March 25, 2008

fond nostalgia for something you didn't like the first time around

This is a funny phenomenon I've noticed in my own experience. The phenomenon actually comforts me when people talk about how great something was in the past (like before my time) and they lament that it will never be that good again, or whatever, and I realize that sometimes maybe they're just nostalgic for that time, but it wasn't all THAT great. The passage of time makes us romanticize stuff. Anyway, point being, here is one of the areas in which I have noticed it:

When I was younger, say, about 13, 14, 15, I didn't really like country music. (I'm still not a huge fan -- I don't listen to it on the radio or buy it -- but I'm not against it -- if someone shows me a good song, I might like it.) I would not have chosen to listen to country out of all the choices available. However, a good number of my friends at that time did like it. On long trips and such, I was "forced" to listen to it because, say, the driver and owner of the car liked it. Fine. At the time I don't know if I grumbled aloud (probably) or maybe just lightheartedly made fun of it. Anyway, now, the very songs that we listened to, I really like. I love listening to one specific Hank Williams, Jr. CD. Every song on there is great! And it reminds me of fun ski trips and being on vacation and laughing and stuff. Isn't that silly? At the time I would have died rather than like it. I'm nostalgic for something I didn't like. Did I really not like it? Or did I not want to like it? Or what? I really remember not liking it that much. But now, it just gives me good warm memories. Funny...


jay are said...

yeah, isn't it weird how that happens. A lot of times when I'm pining for something from yesteryear, I always remind myself that likely there were lots of parts I didn't like. But it's okay to leave those behind and remember the good. And a lot of times when I'm driving about my day or running errands or whatever and feeling like life's a bit mundane and routine, I marvel at the fact that someday I'm going to look back at THIS time with longing and fond memories. Too bad we can't appreciate the days now like we appreciate them later.

Happy Birthday! said...

Yeah, funny, huh? It is a good idea to try to be present and seize the moment...I like to take inventory sometimes and realize nothing's broken, I'm not fighting in a war, people love me, and I have a warm bed to sleep in. That alone is a lot to be happy about!

Ron Davison said...

I love this whole notion. What do you miss that you did not like? You know, in a sense, that is what funerals can be a mad scramble to define, no? And in truth, once you don't actually have to be annoyed by him continually quoting Rush Limbaugh, it is easy to laugh about it. Hmm. I'll have to think about this some more.