Thursday, March 13, 2008

I forget what this post was going to be about

Hmmm. Well, that's never stopped me from talking in real life, so I don't know why it should hinder me here. I think I was going to write about something to do with pregnancy, but I can't think of it. Um, I am 12 weeks along, now, yay, and the little pollywog has lost his/her tail and graduated from embryonic status to fetus-hood. I went running today finally, for 20 minutes (I know, I'm a warrior),'ve been working out roughly once per week. I think it's time to step it up a bit. I feel good now and am rarely queasy. So I think I got off pretty easy, all things considered.

Seriously, I had something to say. But I like it when people update their blogs often, so like a nonpost is better than no post, right? When I think of whatever fascinating thing that was in my head , I'll let you know.


jay are said...

sometimes when we even remember what we were going to post about, it doesn't make it interesting! So don't let not remembering hold you back. Like they say: "better to forget but post anyway rather than not post at all." And I think we should stand by that.

Happy Birthday! said...

Thanks for the support on this issue! I just remembered it so your first sentence might be coming true pretty soon.