Tuesday, March 4, 2008

When you have really good friends....

You can call them and ask to borrow -- not a cup of sugar, not a brush -- but their wedding dress. Yes, I did do that. I needed a dress in which to take wedding pictures, since we never did, and I sort of didn't feel like spending hundreds of dollars on something I wouldn't even be wearing for an event. Hers is really cute. So, yeah, I boldly requested and she said yes! And shipped it to me. Here are a couple of pics -- my brother Erik asked if there was trick photography involved since Alexander appears to be supporting my weight....hahaha.


Didge said...

That is one beautiful dress and not a bad looking couple either...he doesn't even look to be straining so there!

jay are said...

what a nice friend and what a cool dress! and R doesn't look to be nearing a heart attack or anything so no worries there....(anyway, it would've been the paper clips if there WAS a problem.)

Gina said...

Love the pictures. Good thing you didn't have much of a bump to support ;) See you up this way soon.

KJack said...

Simply Beautiful.

Happy Birthday! said...

Thanks! Yes I thought he looked quite comfortable. :)

Mamacita said...

Beautiful!! Love, Mom

Growininwillows said...

You look great!